Sunday, February 20

Art and Design: Drawing a Fine Line

I recall people asking me, along the lines of 'Can you design me an artwork?'
Made me smile to myself because it made me think. 

Is there a difference?

Not too many people will think there is a line between art and design until they think about it closely. 
There are so many perspectives of art, in different definitions coming form various tongues. The same with design. Here, take a look at this video:

Art and design are similar in many aspects though - both have grace, style, thought, and poise, connection with the audience, whether a physical connection (usually with design), or non-physical connection like in art, such as expressive emotions and spirit. 

With art and design, I can't help but think about God - I believe He's a breath-taking designer and artist at once. Just look at yourself. For example, your hands, and eyes and immune system were designed for a purpose, yet we cultivate and continue to disperse emotions, thoughts, energy and spirit. In other words, we function and we feel. If we were just designs and not work of art too, we would be incapable of being human beings. The combination of both sets us apart form robots.

After a moment's brainpower, it came to me that art happens quite metaphorically, while design is a lot more literal. Think about it.

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