The KONY Project, you say? I second guess.
Hear me out, I am for humanitarian intentions.
I would like the best for Uganda as much as anyone.
But something just doesn't sit right with this 'humanitarian' intervention of the US.
When the video first came out, I remember joking about this issue with a couple people, sarcastically mentioning the US finding another OIL RESERVE in Uganda. If the US genuinely cared for this issue beforehand, they would have done something sooner, not suddenly, later.

I'd like to encourage more people to speculate on this issue, and the KONY project, if you can see what the US might be doing here. See any pattern? Seems familiar?
- '... with 2.5 BILLION barrels of oil ALREADY CONFIRMED'' (2011) Read more
- '... US Foreign Policy disguises self-interest as altruism. When we see oil and humanitarian crisis, we act: Iraq, Libya, and now Uganda.' (2011) Read more
But don't just listen to me. I suggest you do look into it more, and form your own opinions and conclusions.
Hope this post has been enlightening , Ciao!